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Opaque White Sea Glass Cufflinks
  • Opaque White Sea Glass Cufflinks


    Individually handcrafted beautiful sea glass cufflinks set in recycled sterling silver. Each piece of sea glass is a unique shape and we keep to this organic shape as we create the settings for our cufflinks, matching the shapes and colour as best we can.

    Sea glass starts its journey as a broken jar or bottle thrown into the sea. As it travels through the seas, moving with the current, tossed by the waves, colliding with rocks and rough sand, the sea glass changes, sharp edges are softened, colour and texture enhanced. This natural process can take as long as 100 years.

    The pieces of sea glass we used ended their journey on the shores of the British Isles. Only the sea glass pieces themselves know where their journey began.

    • Acknowledgement

      The inspiration for creating our range of sea glass cufflinks came from our nephew, Jack, who asked if we could make him a set for a special occasion, so thank you Jack!

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